Sunday, July 11, 2010

True love.

  I sat there--"When are they going to call my name?" My appointment with Dr. Chavez should be taking place this very moment, and yet, here I sit with my purse latched on my lap.

  The magazines have no interest in me and my desire to start up a conversation with the woman next to me died when her daughter entered the room and they raced for the door. There I sit. Waiting. Practically dying from boredom. By myself.

  And then an older, rather ugly man, walks in. Tall, worn and bent was he. Was he dashing? No. And to his side was a fat woman, who was grey. No princess there!

  And yet, they caught my notice. Yes, this quite ancient pair had my full attention. Unaware were they.

  As they walk by the door, I notice that he held her coat for her. He smiled at her then he went to fetch the car. When he brought it around, for her he opened the door and made sure her body was not strained. Then they drove away.

  There I sat. The name I'd been waiting to hear (mine) was not called. But as I sat in thought that morning, and though they did not know, they left me with a picture. This was a picture of how true love should really be.

  So no, I saw no handsome prince. No beautiful princess in my view. But I got to see something --and that something was true love.

*Inspired by this poem by Mary Beth Hackett.*
