Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Look Up in the Morning.

  "Wake up."  Lilah was fast asleep, until she heard a small voice like still waters. She checked her clock. 4:12am. Determined to go back to sleep, she rested her head and shut her heavy eyelids.
  "Wake up," she heard it again. What was compelling her to wake up? She didn't know what to do.
  "Lord? Is that You?" she asked in confusion.
  "Wake up," He answered. He continued, "Wake up and go outside." Lilah willingly got up, put on her shoes and sweater, and at 4:15 in the morning, stepped into the quiet chillness of the early morning.
  "Lord! Look at this! I've never seen anything like this!" Lilah was staring at a big moon. She could perfectly see the outline of its half. Stars were brightly lit all around, and she felt a small sweet breeze sweep upon her face. She closed her eyes. From behind her house, the small creek flowed. She heard crickets and frogs saying their good mornings. Her heart was so overwhelmed with a love; a peace that she's never felt.
  "Oh Lord! she whispered." 'My voice you shall hear in the morning, In the morning I will direct it to You, and I will look up.' " Lilah stared at the glowing moon for a long time. She remembered a verse from Psalms she learned in church. "When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained." Lilah slowly lifted her head, and placed her hand on her heart, and said,
  "Oh, how You've captured my heart. You have awoken me to feel You. To actually see You. And to know you more. I love this."

I like to think that when I am suddenly awoken in the very early morning, I'm being so sweetly awoken by God. It seems bittersweet, because you are so tired. 4:00 in the morning! But at the same time, you are given a chance to spend a precious moment with God - to hear His voice - to witness a beautiful feeling even though its more than a feeling. It can't really be explained. It has to be experienced - it has to be seen with your own eyes and felt with your own heart and soul. And when you do--that my friends is the most perfect thing in the whole world.


Jules(: said...

That is beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

Brandon said...

Really great picture you painted here.

There is something wonderous about the stillness of early morning.

Thanks for the story :)

wowow said...

Gosh! I can't get enough of your stories. Sorry I'm commenting so much. I really love your writing, it's amazing. :D
