Friday, November 12, 2010

" much more beautiful..."

"Please don’t take modesty lightly. As your brother in Christ I value the relationship that I will have with my wife someday. When I am tempted because of you I lose a part of myself that I am trying to save for her. When I’m tempted because of you I become that much more accepting of the perversions in the world. When you remain pure and modest, my life is made so much easier. Instead of watching to ensure that I don’t sin I can focus on you as a person and fellow follower of Christ. I appreciate modesty more than you’ll ever know. Please, show respect of yourself and of me and be modest."

-16 year old guy. 

Girls, you are so much more beautiful than the other girls in the world because you are modest. Your purity is beautiful and I find you attractive because you guard it.
-17 year old

1 comment:

Annie said...

Very's modesty from a whole new perspective. Thanks for sharing :)

Amber, I love reading this blog and I've been encouraged and inspired many times. I'd absolutely love to give you a blog makeover as a Christmas present. Would you be interested? If you are, please email me:

With love,
